Lights ... [For Canopies ONLY]
- $15.00
The canopy lights come with 2 light bulbs placed along the hightest point of the canopy. These lights will light up the whole canopy which will help keep the party going all night long. Lights comes with an extension cord which will allow for the canopy to be set up, up to 10ft away from a power source.
The canopy lights come with 2 light bulbs placed along the hightest point of the canopy. These lights will light up the whole canopy which will help keep the party going all night long. Lights comes with an extension cord which will allow for the canopy to be set up, up to 10ft away from a power source.
(Please note if your power source will be more then 10ft away from the canopy then you will either have to provide your own additional extension cord or you can add an additionlal extension cord to your cart)